Ordinary business expressed its attitude to the “White Business Club”

24 December 15:08

Half of the companies that took part in the Tax Index survey believe that failure to be included in the list of companies with a high level of tax confidence will negatively affect their business. This was reported by the European Business Association, according to Komersant ukrainskyi.

The Tax Index study is conducted annually by the European Business Association, and this time the EBA experts assessed, among other things, recent tax changes and initiatives that will affect business operations.

Business representatives, for example, were asked about their attitude to the project “Territory of High Level of Tax Confidence”, i.e. the so-called “White Business Club”, recently launched by the State Tax Service.

How does business assess this initiative?

Among the companies surveyed by the EBA, 43% reported a neutral attitude to this initiative, 35% have a negative attitude, and 16% have a positive attitude.

Almost half, namely 46% of respondents, want to be included in the list of companies with a high level of tax credibility, but have comments on the selection criteria. Another 14% want to be included in the list and have no comments on it. 26% have no such aspiration.

At the same time, 48% of respondents tend to believe that not being included in the list will have a negative impact on their company.

How does business react to the latest tax changes?

Representatives of the European Business Association were asked to evaluate such innovations as the increase in the military tax from 1.5% to 5% and the increase in the unified social tax base.

75% of the EBA member companies surveyed said that the increase in the unified social tax base would affect their operations.

According to the updated data, 49% of the EBA member companies surveyed will not be able to compensate their employees for the increase in the military tax. At the same time, 21% have plans to compensate for the increase in full, and 15% – in part. The remaining 15% have not yet decided or are waiting for the market to respond.

The EBA Tax Index survey has been conducted since 2011. In the current wave of the survey, 81 tax and finance professionals from EBA member companies took part. The survey was conducted from November 25 to December 11. The survey partner in 2024 is EY Ukraine.

As a reminder, the creation of a separate List of taxpayers with a high level of voluntary compliance with tax legislation, who will enjoy a number of advantages in tax administration during martial law, is provided for by the Law “On Amendments to the Tax Code on Peculiarities of Tax Administration during Martial Law for Taxpayers with a High Level of Voluntary Compliance with Tax Legislation”. At the end of last week, the State Tax Service published a list of taxpayers with a high level of voluntary compliance with tax laws that have been included in the so-called “White Business Club”. Read more [Kommersant]informed about it at the time. The list includes 8,255 taxpayers.

Василевич Сергій