A video was posted on Ukrainian and Russian Telegram channels showing the aftermath of a convoy of Russian vehicles in the Kursk region near Rylsk. The video shows 15 trucks, most of which were filled with Russian soldiers, who have now been eliminated. The nature of the damage suggests that the convoy was hit with HIMARS cluster munitions.
According to the Gulagu.net TV channel, more than 120 Russian soldiers were killed in the convoy. Most of them did not even leave the trucks in which they were being transported. The convoy was located approximately 37 kilometres from the Ukrainian border and was apparently travelling towards unknown troops who are currently attacking the Kursk region of Russia.
The other video was shot shortly after the attack in the dark.
The commentators on these videos are surprised that in the third year of the war, Russian equipment is still moving in large columns that are vulnerable to attack.
It is also reported that one of the authors of these videos has already been arrested, and he allegedly confessed to filming the convoy on behalf of the Ukrainian side.
Kursk breakthrough
In the evening of 6 August, the Ukrainian information space received the first reports of a breakthrough by unknown soldiers into the Kursk region of Russia. Unknown units allegedly crossed the Ukrainian-Russian border from Ukraine and moved deeper into the region.
According to various estimates, they have penetrated at least 10 km into the region, and the width of this front is also about 10-11 km.
Ukrainian and Russian Telegram channels shared photos with Russian captured soldiers. According to some of them, about 300 Russian servicemen have already been captured.