A video reportedly from the liberated Kursk region appeared on Ukrainian Telegram channels. The video shows military vehicles moving across a post-apocalyptic landscape. A Ukrainian flag is raised over one of the buildings that the vehicles are passing.
At the same time, the military equipment in the video is very similar to the Western equipment provided to Ukraine by its partners. On the dashboard of the vehicle being filmed, you can see an inscription in English that reads “always wear your seatbelt”.
Ukraine’s Western partners have already reacted to the events in Kursk and unanimously stated that Ukraine has the undisputed right to take such actions (despite the fact that Ukraine has not yet officially recognised its involvement). Moreover, the US, the EU and even Germany explicitly or implicitly approved the use of their weapons in the area.
In the evening of 6 August, the Ukrainian information space received the first reports of unidentified military personnel breaking through into the Kursk region of Russia. The unknown units allegedly crossed the Ukrainian-Russian border from Ukraine and moved deeper into the region.
It is currently believed that they have penetrated up to 10 km into the region, and the width of this front is also about 10-11 km.
Ukrainian and Russian Telegram channels shared photos of Russian captured soldiers. According to some of them, about 300 Russian servicemen have already been captured.