About half of Ukrainians believe that the single telethon is currently irrelevant. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Centre sociological service in cooperation with the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation at the request of the Chesno Movement from 9 to 15 August 2024, Komersant ukrainskyi reports.
The results of the study show that the number of viewers of the telethon is decreasing, and therefore the expediency of its existence is in question. 35% of Ukrainians absolutely agree with the thesis that the telethon format has lost its relevance. Another 16% of citizens rather support this position.
About 16% of citizens have a neutral attitude towards the only telethon, and another 15% have no answer.
At the same time, only 17% of Ukrainians believe that the telethon has not lost its relevance.
The level of public support for the telethon has significantly decreased compared to the previous wave of the sociological survey conducted in December 2023. Back then, 5% more respondents considered the telethon relevant. Neutral attitude to the relevance of the telethon was also expressed by 5% more citizens.
In addition, Ukrainians have a request to restore the openness of the work of the Parliament. About 57% of citizens are in favour of online broadcasts of meetings on the Rada TV channel – this figure has not changed.
As a reminder, in February, according to sociologists, for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the balance of public trust/distrust in the United News telethon turned negative.
Thus, in February 2024, 36% of people trusted United News, while 47% did not. Back in December last year, this balance was reversed: 43% against 38% in favour of trust.