The other day, MP Oleksiy Honcharenko posted on his Telegram channel that Ukraine has a directive prohibiting conscription under the age of 25, reports Komersant ukrainskyi
“Source data – MD CSR 116/2/1/21409 of 19.09.2024 on non-conscription under 25 years of age, paragraph 1.1 This is a directive of the Land Forces Command on non-conscription under 25 years of age. POINT 1.1. Why the Land Forces Command? Because the TCCs are part of the Land Forces. The text itself cannot be published. It is under a stamp. But the data is there,”
– the MP wrote.
Later, Honcharenko said that conscription of people aged 18 to 25 with limited fitness had also stopped.
“Conscription is possible only with written consent. In the directive of the Land Forces Command to the Operational Commands and to the TCC 116/2/1/21409 of 19.09.2024, paragraph 1 states that men from 18 to 25 years old are not conscripted. This directive has already reached the regional and district CMCs through the Operational Commands. There are no more mobilised people to be demobilised,”
– goncharenko stressed and added that according to the same directive, men aged 50-60 can be mobilised only under a separate mobilisation order.
“A separate mobilisation order means that the General Staff has issued such an order for a particular man. It specifies all the data that must be presented to this man. That is, the conscription of men aged 50-60 is prohibited,”
– said the MP.
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However, it has become known that not all TCCs have received the directive from the Land Forces Command, and in those TCCs that have received it, not all employees have been familiarised with it. This was reported by the Telegraph, citing its own sources.
They say that the directive Goncharenko is referring to is a document that is not publicly available. Therefore, an average man over the age of 50 cannot appeal to its norms. At the same time, as the CCC said, the ban on mobilisation under the age of 25 and 50 has unofficially existed for a long time.
“The directive means that the Land Forces Command has ordered not to mobilise men under 25 for the time being. However, the CSR can cancel it at any time,”
– the newspaper reports.
Earlier, Fedir Venislavsky, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, said that Ukraine’s international partners providing military and economic assistance periodically raise the issue of lowering the mobilisation age for Ukrainian men. In their opinion, the age of 18 to 25 is the most optimal and effective age for participation in hostilities. However, there are no government initiatives in this direction at the moment.
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Author: Alyona Kaplina