From now on, accounts can be opened without a handwritten signature – the decision of the National Bank

21 November 15:58

Today, on November 21, the National Bank of Ukraine has updated the procedure for opening and closing accounts for users by payment service providers. This was reported by the NBU press service, Komersant ukrainskyi reports

It is noted that such a need is due, in particular, to the updating of Ukrainian legislation on electronic trust services and the need to resolve certain issues in the payment market.

In particular, the National Bank:

1) granted the right

  • non-bank payment service providers – to open payment accounts for other non-bank payment service providers solely for the purpose of performing payment transactions at their own expense;
  • users (users’ representatives) – to use a qualified electronic signature, a digital handwritten signature, an advanced electronic signature with a qualified certificate, as well as another electronic signature when signing electronic documents, if its use is previously determined by an agreement between the user and the payment service provider;

2) excluded the provision that provides for the use of a handwritten signature sample of an account holder – an individual, individual entrepreneur, individual engaged in independent professional activity / trustee / other authorized person specified in the agreement / power of attorney / other document when conducting transactions on the accounts of these persons. This allows individuals who, due to illness or other reasons, are unable to sign documents with their own hand, to avoid possible obstacles when using the account.

3) fixed the classification of current accounts with a special regime of their use, which are opened in cases stipulated by the laws of Ukraine or acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as current accounts;

4) clarified the rule on persons authorized to manage the account and sign payment instructions.

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