Over the past three months, the incidence of COVID-19 in Ukraine has increased almost 13 times. Thus, as of the end of August, more than 26,000 cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded. Deputy Minister of Health Maria Karchevych recently announced this during a telethon. And the State Institution “Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” states that due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, anti-epidemic measures in Ukraine may still be introduced, but only in certain regions. This was reported by the Centre in response to a request from Komersant ukrainskyi
“As of 19.08.2024, there are no prerequisites for the introduction of quarantine in Ukraine, but it is possible to introduce anti-epidemic measures in certain territorial units where the highest incidence of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is recorded, in case of further rapid growth,” the Ministry of Health’s Public Health Centre said.
The institution said that according to the law, quarantine is established, extended and cancelled by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
“The issue of quarantine is raised before the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by the central executive body responsible for the formation of state policy in the field of healthcare, upon the proposal of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine,” the Ministry of Healthcare said in a statement.
However, the Law also regulates the possibility of establishing restrictive anti-epidemic measures, which are established by local executive authorities and local self-government bodies upon the submission of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the relevant region, city of Kyiv or Sevastopol, or the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, if an outbreak of an infectious disease occurs in a settlement, educational institution, health and recreation facility, or an unfavourable epidemic situation has developed that threatens to spread an infectious disease.
“Restrictive anti-epidemic measures are applied to business entities engaged in economic and other activities that may lead to the spread of an infectious disease (part one of Article 22 of the Law),” the agency said.
As reported by in the Office of the Executive Body of the Kyiv City Council, there are no plans to introduce mask regime and other anti-epidemic measures in Kyiv at the moment.
Author: Alyona Kaplina