The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal has announced the launch of a pilot project of the Unified Platform for Housing and Utility Services, Komersant ukrainskyi reports
“We are taking an important step towards streamlining housing and communal services. We are launching a pilot project of the Unified Housing and Utilities Platform. This system will automate processes, provide accessible and convenient services, improve customer accounting, and allow better control over the quality of services,” he said during a government meeting.
According to the Prime Minister, users will have an electronic account and will be able to receive all information about managers, service providers, prices and tariffs, the results of their appeals, and will be able to conclude or terminate the contract online.
According to Shmyhal, the platform will be integrated with other information systems to ensure data exchange.
“We expect as many communities as possible to join the implementation of this project,” the Prime Minister added.