Ukrainians no longer trust telethons

19 February 15:48

For the first time since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the balance of public trust/distrust in the United News telethon has turned out to be negative. The relevant results of the study were published by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, reports

Thus, in February 2024, 36% of people trusted United News, while 47% did not. Back in December last year, this balance was reversed: 43% against 38% in favour of trust.

Those who distrust President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy also tend to distrust the telethon: 72% distrust versus 12% trust. However, even among those who trust the President, only half believe in the telethon: 48% trust vs. 33% distrust.

The highest level of trust is recorded in the east of the country (40%), and the lowest – in the west (31%).

The United News telethon is the only television programme broadcast by the country’s leading TV channels since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion. The content is produced by Public Broadcasting, 1 1 Media, Starlight Media (ICTV, STB, Novy Kanal), Inter Media Group (Inter, NTN) and Rada TV channel.

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