The Ukrainian Oscar Committee has completed accepting applications for films to be nominated for the Academy Awards in the Best International Feature Film category from Ukraine. This was announced by the press service of the committee, Komersant ukrainskyi reports
This year, 4 films will take part in the national selection:
- “The Word House. An Endless Novel, directed by Taras Tomenko
- “La Palisade, directed by Philip Sotnychenko
- “We Were Recruits, directed by Lubomyr Levytskyi
- “Peaceful People, dir. by Oksana Karpovych
Now the Ukrainian Oscar Committee has to check these films for compliance with the requirements of the American Academy. After that, it will hold a meeting to determine the candidate films.
The meeting is scheduled for 9 September.
We would like to add that the Ukrainian Oscar Committee consists of 14 people elected from among the members of the Ukrainian Film Academy:
- Maxim Asadchiy, producer
- Denis Budanov, film critic
- Dmytro Desiateryk, film critic
- Taras Dron, director
- Marina Er Gorbach, film director
- Andriy Khalpakhchi, film festival director
- Natalia Libet, producer
- Oleksiy Pershko, film critic
- Kateryna Slipchenko, film critic
- Dmytro Sukholytkyi-Sobchuk, director
- Maryna Stepanska, director
- Maryna Vroda, director
- Volodymyr Yatsenko, producer
- Serhiy Zlenko, distributor
Dmytro Sukholytkyi-Sobchuk, who received the largest number of votes, became the Chairman of the Ukrainian Oscar Committee.