The users report the unexpected appearance of 5G: what is known

31 January 19:34

Reports of the unexpected appearance of 5G Internet among Ukrainian users have surfaced online. Several subscribers have allegedly recorded the sudden activation of the fifth-generation network on their smartphones, according to Komersant ukrainskyi.

The screenshots are now being shared on social media.

It is claimed that 5G has appeared for Kyiv subscribers of Vodafone, but not all of them.

The company itself has not announced the launch of the network. According to Channel 24, which contacted the operator, Vodafone officially denies the launch of 5G and claims that the technology is being tested. Representatives of the operator did not disclose any details about the nature and scale of the testing – it is not known whether it takes place in technical laboratories or on real communication towers.

Therefore, the information is based on posts on social media and Telegram channels, which raises additional questions about the network’s actual readiness for a full launch.

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5G launch in Ukraine

Officially, Lviv is to be the first city to test the 5G network. This is because the network is to be tested to see if it interferes with military communications networks. Therefore, the testing site should be a city away from the frontline.

If it turns out that the equipment does not affect the work of the Defense Forces, the project will be extended to Kyiv and Odesa. However, we are talking about years of testing, not months.

As reported last fall by Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the government has adopted amendments to the resolution on the use of radio frequencies and is launching 5G network testing in three cities of Ukraine.

“The pilot will last for 2 years and will take place in two stages. During the tests, the NCCC and the Ukrainian State Center for Radio Frequencies will check whether 5G equipment does not affect the operation of military networks,”

– the minister explained.

Experts believe that the deployment of the new technology will initially be carried out at several base stations, rather than covering the entire city. Nevertheless, users will be able to connect to the 5G network at the testing sites.

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of mobile communications that provides significantly higher data transfer speeds, lower signal latency, and the ability to connect a large number of devices simultaneously. This technology is paving the way for the massive development of the Internet of Things, augmented reality, and autonomous transportation. Thanks to 5G, mobile networks are becoming more flexible and capable of supporting complex digital services.

Despite its advantages, the technology also has its detractors. Some people fear the potential health effects of 5G radiation, although there is no scientific evidence of harmful effects. There are also warnings about data security and the risks of cyber espionage, especially through the use of equipment from individual manufacturers.

In some countries, 5G rollouts have been accompanied by protests. At the same time, governments and experts insist that the introduction of 5G is strategically important for economic development and digital transformation.

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