Fog and rain: weather forecast for November 8
8 November 02:14on November 8, Ukraine is expected to have partly cloudy weather. In general, the day is expected to be calm and mostly without precipitation, but light rains are forecast in some regions. This is reported by Komersant ukrainskyi with reference to the Ukrainian Weather Center
Forecasters say that most regions will be dry. Only in the eastern regions and in Sumy region, there may be some light rain in the daytime.
In the western regions, fog is expected at night and in the morning, which may somewhat impede visibility on the roads, so drivers are advised to be careful.
The wind on this day will be from the northwest at a speed of 5-10 m/s. The temperature will remain cool:
At night, the temperature will range from 3° Celsius to 2° Celsius, with the lowest temperatures in the central and western regions. In eastern Ukraine, it will be warmer at night – 1-6° Celsius.
During the day, the temperature will rise to 4-9°C, while in the Transcarpathian and southern parts of the country the weather is expected to be slightly warmer – up to 10-15°C.