Tarot forecast for New Moon in Aquarius by Angela Pearl for Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio

31 January 04:00

on January 29, the first New Moon of 2025 occurred, and its impact will be felt for at least two more weeks. A famous astrologer, Angela Pearl, posted a tarot forecast on her YouTube channel, in which she talked about the events that this new moon can bring for representatives of different zodiac signs.

This new moon will be held under the sign of Aquarius, which carries the energy of friendship, new plans and ideas, and teamwork. So, during this period, changes in your social life are possible, such as new acquaintances, expanding your social circle, or actively discussing new plans and ideas.

Aquarius is also associated with working in a group of people, so this period may be marked by joining a new team or creating your own team. In addition, the New Moon in Aquarius is a great opportunity to revisit your dreams and determine the direction of your life. Networks can also play a special role during this period: you may develop your online business, change the format of social media, or launch a digital project.

What events should Leos, Virgos, Libras, and Scorpios expect over the next two weeks – read the article Komersant ukrainskyi

Leo: Ace of Cups and Page of Pentacles

For Leos, this new moon will emphasize relationships and new beginnings. The Ace of Cups is a symbol of love, emotions, and deep feelings. It indicates the possibility of a new romantic acquaintance, which can develop into something more serious. For those who are already in a relationship, it can be a way to take your feelings to a new level or even a “second honeymoon” with your spouse, when the feelings between you will flare up with renewed vigor. This card can symbolize the strengthening of a relationship or even a marriage proposal. The Ace of Cups can also indicate success in new business endeavors, as new collaborations and partnerships can bring you very good results.

ThePage of Pentacles indicates important working arrangements or agreements. This is a card of practicality and stability, which indicates new opportunities for the growth of your business. You may be asked to sign a new agreement or contract that will help strengthen your existing financial position.

Virgo: Nine of Pentacles

For Virgos, the Aquarius New Moon promises stability and financial success. The Nine of Pentacles is a card that symbolizes well-deserved success, financial independence, and a sense of accomplishment. This card indicates that you will enjoy the results of your efforts. In the coming weeks, you may receive a large sum of money, perhaps through a lucrative deal or a well-deserved financial reward for your efforts.

The Nine of Pentacles can also symbolize the purchase of real estate or a new car, but the astrologer advises postponing such large-scale purchases until at least February 24. It’s also a period of financial stability that will allow you to feel confident about the future and even treat yourself to a luxurious vacation, such as a trip or a visit to the spa.

Libra: Six of Cups and the Ace of Wands

For Libra, this new moon will open the door to pleasant meetings and fill them with a sense of comfort. The Six of Cups is a card of fond memories from your past. You may meet old friends or return to places that remind you of your childhood or happy moments in your life. You might receive a letter, a bouquet of flowers, or a gift for no reason that touches you, or you might meet someone who makes you feel like you’ve known each other all your life. This is a time when you will be filled with feelings of emotional comfort and happiness.

Scorpios: Ace of Cups and Nine of Wands

Scorpios, this new moon will be full of vivid emotions and new beginnings for you. The Ace of Cups is a card of emotions, love, and inspiration. It promises you that during this period you will be in the center of attention, surrounded by care and warmth. It can also be a time of romantic encounters. You may be invited to an event where there are many people, such as attending an exhibition or going to the theater. This event will give you a powerful boost of energy and a desire to move forward.

However, the Nine of Wands warns that you will have to cope with stress and additional workload on your way to new heights or career achievements. This card indicates possible difficulties, but at the same time, it assures you that you have the strength and patience to overcome all obstacles and keep moving forward.

Author: Olya Yushko

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