The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) has imposed preventive measures in the form of detention on two more suspects in the case of former Deputy Energy Minister Oleksandr Heylo. This was reported by the court’s press service, according to Komersant ukrainskyi
Thus, one of the suspects was taken into custody for 60 days with the possibility of bail in the amount of UAH 65 million. He is suspected of violating Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Article 368 refers to “Acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official”, so it is clear that this suspect is also a public official.
The other suspect was also “imposed a measure of restraint in the form of detention”, but no information was provided on the duration of this measure or the articles of the Criminal Code of which he is suspected. His bail was set at UAH 7 million.
Another defendant in the case was placed under round-the-clock house arrest.
The Hale case
on 12 August, Alexander Hale was caught taking a bribe of half a million dollars. The same day, the Cabinet of Ministers dismissed him from his post.
According to the prosecutor, at the Energy Ministry, Heilo was responsible for the activities of coal enterprises, in particular, for the efficiency of Selydivuhillya and Volynvuhillya. According to the investigation, the official demanded money for granting permission to export mining equipment from the frontline area.
The hearing was attended by the corruption suspect, his defence lawyers, and the prosecution. The prosecution requested that the former Deputy Energy Minister be arrested with the possibility of being released on UAH 30 million bail.
Hale was arrested for 60 days – until 8 October inclusive.
If he pays the bail, Oleksandr Hale will be subject to a number of obligations. In particular, he will have to wear an electronic bracelet, hand over his passports for safekeeping, not leave Kyiv and Kyiv region without permission, report changes of residence and work, and refrain from communicating with other suspects in the case and witnesses.
More information about the case is available here.