Sports for veterans: a new veterans’ program has been launched at Diia
16 January 15:17
Ukrainian veterans can already use the Diia app to receive UAH 1,500 to pay for sports activities. The Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced the launch of the Veteran’s Sport program, which is being implemented by the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Veterans, Komersant ukrainskyi reports.
He also explained that this assistance is quarterly, and in order to receive funds for the first quarter of 2025, you need to submit an application to Diia by January 20.
The Ministry of Veterans Affairs explained all the details of the program.
According to the ministry, combatants and people with the status of a person with a disability as a result of war can participate in the Veteran’s Sport program and apply. The Ministry of Veterans reminded that information about the relevant status should be in the Unified State Register of War Veterans.

In order to receive funds, you must
– be authorized in the Diia application,
– have a verified taxpayer identification number (taxpayer card),
– be over 18 years old,
– have the status of a combatant and/or the status of a person with a disability as a result of war, entered in the Unified State Register of War Veterans,
– open a special Diia.Card account in a bank participating in the program,
– submit an application in the Diia application.
To apply for UAH 1,500, you need to
– log in to Diia and click on “Services” – “Veteran Sports” and read the terms of service (then check for eligibility),
– open and select Diia.Card for payments
– carefully check the application and click “Send”.
After that, you can expect the funds to be credited.
It is important to remember that you need to apply for participation by the 20th day of the first month of the quarter: January 20, April 1-20, July 1-20, and October 1-20.
How and for how long the funds can be spent
The financial assistance can be used to pay for services in the field of physical culture and sports: in gyms, sports grounds, sports sections, and sports clubs. These institutions must operate in the field of activity “Physical culture and sports” and have a seller category code 7941.
The funds must be used in full or in part during the quarter (three months) in which they were credited. For example, the aid received in the first quarter must be spent by the end of March.
If the funds are partially used, the balances will be returned to the accounts of the Ministry of Veterans, and you will automatically be credited in the next quarter.
According to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, if the funds are not used in full during the quarter, they will return to the accounts of the Ministry of Veterans, and the person will cease to participate in the program. To receive a payment in the next quarter, you need to re-submit an application in the Diia app.
The Ministry also explained what to do if a veteran’s certificate is not displayed in Diia and how to apply for participation.
“A veteran’s certificate may not be displayed in the Diia app due to the absence of a photo in the registers. However, if your data is included in the Unified State Register of War Veterans, you can also apply for participation in the program using the Diia app,” the statement said.
If a person is a combatant/has a disability as a result of the war, but information about him or her is not in the Unified State Register of War Veterans, the Ministry of Veterans advises to contact the Ministry to clarify the status in the register. This can be done on the portal of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs:, or by calling 0632271456 or 0632302788.

As you know, the Cabinet of Ministers recently approved the proposal of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs to implement a two-year pilot project to provide combatants and persons with disabilities resulting from war with assistance for physical education and sports within the budget allocations for the relevant period provided under the budget program “Measures to Support and Assist War Veterans, Their Families and Family Members of the Deceased”. The Procedure for the implementation of the pilot project was approved. It is stipulated that assistance for physical education and sports will be provided in the amount of UAH 1,500 once per quarter during the pilot project period solely for the purchase of non-cash services from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in economic activities in the field of physical education and sports in Ukraine.