TWO YEARS OF UNBREAKABILITY Diary of the war by the widow of stuntman Denis Bondarev
25 February 17:00
“I will tell the world about him and thousands of our modern Heroes. This war will never leave me”
Denys Bondarev and Tetiana Vatsenko-Bondareva have been married for almost 20 years. Before the outbreak of the large-scale war, the couple were developing their business in Kyiv.
Denys was a stuntman, actor, film stunt director and taught at several universities. Before the war, he had acted in over a hundred films.
At the beginning of the large-scale conflict, he took his wife and son to his parents and went to defend his homeland. He died in May 2022.
Tetiana Vatsenko-Bondareva wrote a short article about how women learn to live after such losses. The article is published publishes her notes with the author’s permission.
Our story began in March 20 years ago and it will not end because he is a part of me.
I am 14 years old. Teenage years are full of hormones and a flurry of emotions. I’m just an ordinary teenager in my prime.
I recently struck a pose and dropped out of art school, choosing a circus studio. My mother and I have been fighting about it at home, so I’d rather not be at home, but I can spend more time in the circus studio.
I am 14 years old. I’ve become a young girl, wearing heels, short skirts, hairstyles, a neckline that already has something to show, so I’m just like WOW! The energy just keeps coming and illuminates everything around me!
I train in a circus studio and just live the circus. Recently, because of a scandal, I changed my team..

It’s spring and I’m almost 15. I come to a new atmosphere, to new people, to a newly formed team… Of course, there are stars and leaders there! They are actively preparing for the circus performance “Orpheus and Eurydice”,
And there is HE, so beautiful!!! Young, full of life and sunshine, talented. He just can do EVERYTHING. He is the centre of the team. Everything revolves around him, and he spins everything. All the girls who have the opportunity to meet him fall for him.
I started to communicate a little bit in the team. I proved my ability and strength. At the same time, I looked at him with a thought: “Phew, I didn’t fall in love with him, he’s handsome, interesting and all that, but I didn’t fall in love, and that’s good!”
Then there was a trip to Artek, and that foreign team became my closest,
We got so used to living together in Artek that we hardly ever left each other’s side during the summer, training and the river took up all our time. Perhaps somewhere there, or maybe a little later, I realised that I was lost! I fell head over heels in love with my friend!
I was a friend and I saw all the girls hanging around. And we also spent a lot of time together, regardless of the seasons and weather, we were always laughing and living, and I was secretly swallowing my tears and crying into my pillow because I loved him.
I am 17 now. The hormones of adolescence have calmed down a bit, but not the inner fire and love for HIM! We are still friends, although the meaningful glances, walking me home in the evening, holding my hand, caring and looking so piercing and deep, and sparks! We sparked!
I’m 17. He decided to go to Kyiv to study stunt..

Denys went to study in the capital. We thought that the paths of our lives had diverged. But when we met a few years later, we realised that we didn’t want to and couldn’t be apart anymore.
Denys was a stuntman, actor, film stunt director and university lecturer. He took part in the filming of well over a hundred films. The moment when a person clearly knows his vocation and profession, is very creative and has golden hands.
For some time, Denys was engaged in the reconstruction of weapons, recreating pistols and sabers from different centuries. He could make, repair, build just about anything.
Smart, balanced, reliable as a rock, and at the same time infinitely gentle with me and incredibly cheerful – the soul of the company. It was impossible not to notice him and remain indifferent to him. Everyone liked him. We also laughed an incredible amount, understanding each other at a glance.
We complemented each other, supported and inspired each other, and went through life hand in hand.
Our son grew up between us, having an example of what a man and love should be like.
Until 24 February 2022, we were developing our family business in Kyiv.
And then, in an instant, out of a hunger and desire to destroy us as a nation and a society, Russia attacked our lands.

Denys took me and my son to his parents’ house and went to defend his homeland.
From the very first days, I was at zero. I was terrified and lacked oxygen, but I have infinite respect for my beloved, his choice and the awakening of the warrior-defender in him. I volunteered and provided as much as I could for his unit, and until his last breath, I “stood behind him and served him ammunition”
And on 21 May 2022, he died… At the same time, I was gone.
The pain of a soul torn to shreds cannot be described in words. Loss of support in life, loss of him, loss of myself..
This pain will never go away, this war will never leave me….
We did not fulfil millions of desires and plans. We did not grow together, we were not inspired by each other..
But as long as I am still here, I will tell the world about him and thousands of our modern Heroes.
I promised my beloved that he would be proud of me.
I miss you so much, my love
I will see you in the worlds to come
I love you across space and time