From June 2023 to June 2025, a pilot project is underway in Ukraine to issue a special permit for the special use of forest resources (logging ticket) and a certificate of origin for timber and sawn timber in electronic form. Currently, such a ticket can only be issued in electronic form.
This initiative had some problematic issues that the Government decided to eliminate, so it adopted a number of changes to the pilot project, Komersant ukrainskyi reports. From now on, forest users and forest owners can receive electronic logging tickets at the location of the forest plot, rather than at the applicant’s place of registration (location).
The State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine said that previously there were situations when a forest owner or permanent forest user applied for a logging ticket at their location, but for a plot that was outside the area of responsibility of the territorial body of the State Agency.
“Since interregional offices exercise the powers of the State Forestry Agency in the field of forestry and hunting exclusively in their assigned territories, and logging tickets were issued for only one site, this complicated the process. From now on, applications for a logging ticket can be submitted to the territorial body of the State Forestry Agency at the location of the forest plot,” the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine said .
The agency said that since the launch of the new system, the territorial bodies of the State Forestry Agency have issued 83374 logging tickets.
a “logging ticket” is a register of permits that give the right to carry out economic activities related to timber harvesting. The Register contains all data on logging tickets in order to make this information available to the public. The Register of Logging Tickets covers the entire territory of Ukraine.
Author: Alyona Kaplina