The list of persons eligible for utility benefits has been expanded

8 January 02:58

Ukraine has expanded the list of people who will receive benefits for housing and communal services and solid fuel purchases in 2025 based on the average monthly total family income. This was reported by the Pension Fund, Komersant ukrainskyi reports

Benefits will be granted if the average monthly total family income per person for the previous six months does not exceed the amount of income that entitles to a tax social benefit (UAH 4,240).

In 2025, the benefits will also be provided to

  • rehabilitated persons who became persons with disabilities as a result of repressions or are pensioners;
  • persons affected by the Chornobyl disaster in categories 1 and 2;
  • wives (husbands), guardians of children of deceased citizens whose death is related to the Chornobyl disaster;
  • wives (husbands), if they did not remarry, of deceased citizens whose death was related to participation in the liquidation of other nuclear accidents, nuclear tests, military exercises involving nuclear weapons, assembly of nuclear charges and routine maintenance;
  • persons discharged from military service who became persons with disabilities during military service;
  • parents and family members of servicemen who died or went missing during military service;
  • veterans of military service, internal affairs bodies, the National Police, the Tax Police, the Bureau of Economic Security, the State Fire Service, the State Criminal Executive Service, the Civil Defense Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection;
  • widows (widowers) of deceased veterans of military service, internal affairs bodies, the National Police, the Tax Police, the Bureau of Economic Security, the State Fire Protection Service, the State Criminal Executive Service, the Civil Protection Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection;
  • former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, and other places of forced detention created by Nazi Germany and its allies during World War II, as well as children born in these places of forced detention of their parents;
  • former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention recognized as persons with disabilities due to general illness, labor injury and other reasons;
  • deported persons who have reached retirement age or are persons with disabilities.

The Pension Fund emphasized that these changes apply to persons who apply for benefits from January 1, 2025. Those who were granted benefits earlier will receive them until the end of the heating season 2024-2025, i.e. until April 30, 2025 (inclusive).

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