Record catch of Ukrainian vessels in the Antarctic: 19,075 tons of krill and 905 tons of toothfish

25 January 06:23

In 2024, Ukrainian vessels achieved the highest catch rates of marine resources in the area of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) for three years. The record results were reported by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Vitaly Koval, informs Komersant ukrainskyi

Last year Ukrainian fishing vessels harvested 19,980 tons of Antarctic bioresources. This is 54% more compared to 2023, when the catch amounted to 12,945 tons, and 107% more than in 2022 (9,659 tons).

Catch composition:

  • Antarctic krill: 19,075 tons.
  • Antarctic toothfish: 905 tons.

Five vessels worked for the catch:

  • SIMEIZ, KOREIZ, KOREIZ, CALIPSO and MARIGOLDS – specialized in harvesting Antarctic toothfish.
  • MORE SODRUZHESTVA – was engaged in catching Antarctic krill.

Due to efficient catching, fishery entities transferred more than 7.2 million hryvnias to local budgets for special use of aquatic bioresources. This figure exceeds last year’s figure by 1.1 million hryvnias.

What is CCAMLR?

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources is an intergovernmental organization that regulates the sustainable development of fisheries in the Southern Ocean. Ukraine has been a member of CCAMLR since 1994.

Fishing in the Commission area is carried out according to the principle of Olympic catch, which means compliance with the established limits.

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