Representative of the US State Department: “Ukraine in NATO? Let’s do it after the war”

16 February 10:39

At this year’s NATO summit in Washington, Ukraine will not receive an invitation to join the Alliance. Moreover, it will most likely not receive it until the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This was stated in a commentary to Suspilne by US State Department spokesman Daniel Sizek, reports

“NATO members know and understand that Ukrainians want to become a NATO member immediately and as soon as possible. To be honest, this is not expected at this year’s NATO summit. Maybe after the war,”

– the official said.

But NATO remains unanimous in its desire to accept Ukraine into the Alliance, he reminded. Despite the differences, all member states at the Vilnius summit said that “Ukraine’s place is in NATO”.

Cooperation with Ukraine is ongoing, Sizek added, and the top priority is to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression.


Ukraine’s relations with NATO began in 1992, when our country joined the North Atlantic Partnership Council. In 1997, this partnership became a “distinctive partnership” when the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between NATO and Ukraine was signed at the NATO Summit in Madrid.

The 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest is considered to be the key event in terms of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic prospects, when Ukraine was denied membership but was told that it would be a NATO member in the future.

During the policy of “multi-vectorism”, Ukraine changed its attitude towards the Alliance many times. It was only after the Revolution of Dignity that the state clearly defined its course towards joining NATO and the EU and even wrote it into its Constitution.

Ukraine has never received and still does not have a Membership Action Plan, which has always been considered a necessary step on the road to accession. At the Vilnius Summit in 2022, where Ukraine was again promised the prospect of future membership, it was said that Ukraine would become a member of the Alliance without a MAP.

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