Plan for Ukraine Facility: European Commission evaluates quarterly report. Ukraine expects another 3.5 billion euros
23 January 12:56
The Ministry of Economy has sent a report package to the European Commission on the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan for the fourth quarter of 2024, confirming the fulfillment of 13 key tasks. This was reported by the Ministry of Economy, Komersant ukrainskyi reports.
The European Commission will process the report within a month, after which it will provide an opinion on the success of the implementation of the fourth quarter of 2024. In case of a positive assessment, a decision will be made to allocate the next tranche for Ukraine – 3.5 billion euros.
The European Commission’s decision to allocate funds must also be approved by the member states and the EU Council. After that, the funds will be transferred to the Ukrainian budget, tentatively at the end of March 2025.
By reporting on the implementation of the fourth quarter’s steps, the Ukrainian side finalized its work on the Ukraine 2024 Plan.
What tasks does Ukraine report on?
As part of the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan, in the fourth quarter, Ukraine adopted 4 laws and 7 strategic documents:
– The Strategic Plan for Digitalization of the State Tax Service was approved. It provides for the creation of a unified information and telecommunications system to automate processes, introduce electronic services, and strengthen data protection.
– Legislation on insolvency prevention was improved. The new provisions, harmonized with the EU Directive, provide for the early detection of financial problems of enterprises and provide mechanisms for debt restructuring.
– The State Property Policy was adopted. It sets clear rules for managing state property, separates the functions of the owner, regulator and manager, and defines the list of objects for privatization.
– Two social strategies were approved:
Reforming boarding schools and supporting people with disabilities to live in communities.
Ensuring the right of every child to grow up in a family environment by supporting families, developing alternative care and monitoring living conditions.
– Scheduled market surveillance inspections have been resumed. This helps to improve the quality and safety of products, as well as to prepare for the conclusion of an “industrial visa-free regime” with the EU.
– Legislation in the field of urban planning has been improved. Unified registers, an urban planning cadastre, and new electronic services have been introduced for transparency and convenience.
– Investments in renewable energy sources were stimulated. Improved procedures for green auctions to attract new participants and increase the share of green energy.
– The independence of the Energy Regulator has been ensured. From now on, government agencies cannot interfere in its activities, in line with EU standards.
– The National Transport Strategy until 2030 was approved. It is planned to create a modern transport system integrated with the European TEN-T network, as well as to digitalize and decarbonize the industry.
– The Strategy for the Development of Border Infrastructure with the EU Member States and Moldova until 2030 was adopted. It envisages the reconstruction of checkpoints, simplification of border crossing procedures, and the introduction of joint control.
– The Agriculture Development Strategy until 2030 was approved. The program adapts policy to EU standards, focusing on land reform, irrigation, and support for small producers.
– The Law on the State Agrarian Register was adopted. The circle of users of the State Agrarian Register was expanded, access to extracts was simplified, and monitoring of the targeted use of state aid was ensured.
– The Law on the Development of the Mineral Resources Base until 2030 was adopted. The law defines priorities in the field of critical and strategic resources, provides for integration into global markets and the creation of favorable conditions for investment.

What is the Ukraine Facility?
The Ukraine Facility is a four-year support program that envisages a series of reforms and transformations that bring Ukraine closer to EU membership. In June, the Verkhovna Rada ratified an agreement with the European Union that provides for Ukraine to receive EUR 50 billion under the program.
The Ukraine Facility includes three key components of support:
– direct support to the state budget (EUR 38.27 billion, including EUR 33 billion in loans and EUR 5.27 billion in grants)
– a special investment instrument to cover risks in priority sectors (EUR 6.97 billion);
– technical support in the implementation of reforms, as well as interest coverage on loans, including those received earlier (EUR 4.76 billion).
The tranches are to be disbursed once a quarter based on the results of the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan indicators and their positive assessment by the EU side.
Ukraine received the previous tranche of EUR 4.1 billion under the program in December last year. It was the second regular payment allocated by the European Commission under this instrument. Last year’s total assistance under the Ukraine Facility initiative amounted to EUR 16.1 billion.
The Ukraine Facility Plan identifies 69 reforms, which are supported by more than 150 quarterly implementation indicators. In addition to reform indicators, the plan contains 16 investment indicators.