Today, Russia launched another massive missile and drone strike on Ukraine. In an exclusive commentary for Komersant ukrainskyi, military expert Oleg Zhdanov explained the reasons and features of this attack and spoke about the Russians’ change of tactics.
According to him, all the necessary factors for a large-scale attack coincided today.
“Today’s massive shelling is related to opportunities. Desire is one thing, but capabilities are quite another. I think it is the readiness of missiles, crews and aircraft that has coincided only as of today,”
– said Zhdanov.
The expert recalled the preliminary preparations by Russia:
“They trained the crews for almost a month, we saw it, they were constantly running for cover. I understand that they brought the missiles, programmed them, and when the “stars aligned”, they launched a massive strike.”
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Zhdanov pointed out that the enemy’s tactics have changed, as previously the Russians used to send everything they had into the air at once. Today’s attack comes in waves.
“This time they did it in waves. Not at the same time as usual – the chessmen, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles all reached their targets at about the same time. Now they lifted as much as possible – the Shahids fired, they flew away, the TUs lifted, they fired, they landed on the airfields. The MiGs took off, fired, and landed. That is, one by one, because there is no way to recreate it all at the same time.”
When asked whether the Russians are waiting for the restoration of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure to launch new attacks, the expert replied:
“It is unlikely. Again, this is the problem of a massive strike. It exists. They have enough. Now they will count how many missiles there were, but not so many. And half the country is without electricity. Why would they wait for a massive strike until we recover? They are striking to the best of their ability.”
Thus, according to Oleg Zhdanov, Russia is changing its tactics to adapt to its own capabilities and limitations, but continues to inflict significant damage to Ukrainian infrastructure with even smaller forces.
Read more about today’s massive attack on Ukraine here.