The National Bank has introduced limits on card transfers: how it will affect Ukrainians

1 February 06:17

On February 1, 2025, the NBU introduced new restrictions on money transfers between individuals. These innovations are aimed at combating the shadow economy and illegal financial schemes, Komersant ukrainskyi reports

The limits apply to card transfers from customers without documented income. Banks will divide customers into three risk categories, and this will determine the maximum amount of money transfer.

For customers with a high level of risk:

  • the limit for transfers is set at UAH 50 thousand per month.

For customers with medium and low risk:

  • from February 1, 2025 – up to UAH 150 thousand per month;
  • from June 1, 2025 – up to UAH 100 thousand per month.

At the same time, the NBU reports that officially registered volunteers will not be subject to these restrictions. However, persons receiving gifts or large money transfers should coordinate their actions with their banks.

The National Bank of Ukraine has restricted the use of Ukrainian bank cards abroad.

It is stated that the restrictions will apply to payments for the following goods and services abroad: watches, jewelry, silverware, precious stones and coins.

The NBU sets a monthly limit of UAH 100 thousand in equivalent for payments abroad made using payment cards opened by Ukrainian banks to foreign currency accounts, for transactions with merchant codes 5094 (precious stones, metals and jewelry), 5944 (watches, jewelry and silverware) and 5972 (coin and stamp shops).

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