Ukrainian MP Artem Dmytruk, who illegally left the country, was spotted in a London shopping centre. This was reported by hromadske, Komersant ukrainskyi reports
The video provided to the publication shows a man resembling Dmytruk talking to a shop assistant in a hardware store. According to witnesses, the video was filmed on 1 September 2024 at the Westfield London shopping centre in west London.
The recording also shows Dmytruk apparently talking to a dark-haired woman holding a little girl. Presumably, this is his wife Anastasia and their daughter Varvara. The last time Anastasia Dmytruk posted a story on Instagram from London was 6 weeks ago, where she showed her and her daughter visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum.
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Artem Dmytruk’s escape
As reported by , Dmytruk illegally travelled abroad on 24 August. According to media reports, the MP was seen at the police station in the Moldovan city of Stefan Voda. There, in the presence of an investigator, Dmytruk wrote a statement about illegal border crossing, which allows him to obtain refugee status.
The State Bureau of Investigation reported that it had opened a criminalinvestigation into the illegal border crossing by the current MP.
on 2 September, the SBI stated that it had served three people who helped smuggle Dmytruk across the border with suspicion. However, as far as the text and media materials of the SBI and the Prosecutor General’s Office make clear, the suspects do not include employees of the State Border Guard Service. However, as can be seen from the published videos, Dmytruk calmly passed the SBGS checkpoint on the border with Transnistria, even after going through all the necessary procedures.
Instead, the people who were driving Dmytruk in their cars through the territory of Ukraine are suspected of something. However, at that time, Dmytruk was not suspected of any crime – only on 25 August did the Prosecutor General notify Dmytruk of his suspicion, and the DBR put him on the international wanted list on 29 August. And travelling together in a car with another Ukrainian citizen is not yet considered a criminal offence.