MP tells how officials will be punished for using Telegram

11 October 11:47

Ukrainian officials from those institutions that have already banned the use of Telegram will be punished for violating the ban. The head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech, Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, said this on the LIVE news channel, according to Komersant UkrainianKomersant Ukrainian

According to the MP, the use of Telegram on work computers is currently technically blocked in a number of government agencies. However, if someone decides to violate these recommendations and circumvent them, the official will be punished with a disciplinary sanction.

“Of course, disciplinary action will be taken for violating these recommendations in accordance with the internal rules that exist. It will depend on the structure. And the national coordination centre will, after a certain period of time, collect a report on how this recommendation has been implemented,”

– the MP said.

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He reminded that it is not about personal use, but “purely about sending official state information”. This means that officials can still use the messenger on their personal smartphones.

As reported by Komersant Ukrainian, the use of Telegram has already been restricted in the Verkhovna Rada.

The Ukrainian authorities have long been looking at the messenger and often criticise it. The police constantly complain that drugs are being sold on Telegram, and the military says that it is controlled by Russian special services. Finally, in September, Ukrainian officials and military personnel were banned from using the messenger.

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