World powerlifting champion killed in the war

5 February 09:10

World and European powerlifting champion Oleksandr Bilokon was killed in the war against the Russian occupiers. Vadym Kisil, president of the Greco-Roman Wrestling Federation of Ukraine, announced the death of the athlete on Facebook, according to

Bilokon was a Ukrainian record holder.

“Oleksandr Bilokon, world and European powerlifting champion, record holder of the Ukrainian record book, died in the war with the Russian fascists,”

– kisil wrote.

He recalled that Bilokon was one of the strongest men in Ukraine. Back in 2017, he set a Ukrainian record for moving a tractor-trailer filled with people in the centre of Odesa.

In 2020, Oleksandr Bilokon was awarded the Master of Sports in heroic games.

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