Mobilization 2024: what changes Ukrainians need to know about

22 November 16:20

The mobilization process in Ukraine has recently undergone changes. In particular, due to a number of problems, lawmakers and government officials have changed the process of reserving persons liable for military service, settled the issue of deferment, and are going to liquidate the Medical Service Commission. What other changes await the mobilized recently, Komersant ukrainskyiKomersant Ukrainian reports.

Booking employees of critical enterprises

To be granted critical enterprise status, a company must now meet two main criteria. The first is the absence of tax and fee arrears. The second is that the average salary must be at least 2.5 minimum wages (UAH 20 thousand). The salary of booked employees must also be at least UAH 20 thousand. The third criterion is chosen by the head of the company independently from those available in the relevant resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Elimination of the MSEC

From now on, a family doctor will be able to refer a person for a functional assessment. By the way, the assessment of patients’ functioning will be transferred to expert commissions in cluster and supercluster hospitals. Such commissions will include random doctors who are not familiar with the patient.

In addition, as a result of the MSEC reform, criteria for assessing functionality in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) are being established.

And all the necessary data will be entered into the electronic healthcare system.

Exemptions and deferrals

Members of Parliament have already adopted two draft laws related to the postponement of mobilization. These are draft law No. 11531 and draft law No. 12104.

According to them, the right of servicemen to be discharged from military service due to the death or disappearance of a half-brother or sister during direct participation in hostilities was restored.

The MPs also canceled the draft for military service during mobilization for women and men whose close relatives (husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother or siblings) were killed or went missing under special circumstances during hostilities.

In addition, persons who have been deprived of their liberty as a result of armed aggression (civilians who have been captured) will be called up exclusively on a voluntary basis.

Мандровська Олександра