Olympic high jump champion Yaroslava Maguchikh has announced that she will donate part of her prize money to charity. The athlete noted that she wants to thank her team, the Armed Forces and volunteers, Komersant ukrainskyi reports
“Today I have the opportunity to thank my team, Ukrainians and defenders for my training and support on the way to Olympic gold. Therefore, I will donate part of the money that each medallist and champion of the Olympic Games will receive to the needs of the Armed Forces, to the psychological support fund and a small part to help shelters and animals from the occupied territories,” she wrote.
The athlete also said that it would be fair to thank the team that prepared her for this medal and invested a lot of effort in her development.
Maguchikh added that “money is nothing compared to what we went through with the team. And nothing compared to what the Armed Forces and volunteers do for us to live in an independent and free country.”
It should be noted that on 4 August , Yaroslava Mahuchikh won gold in the high jump at the Paris Olympics. Maguchikh cleared the two-metre bar and became an Olympic champion for the first time in her career.
The state’s prize money for Ukrainian athletes for winning a gold medal at the Olympics is $125,000. Another $50,000 is to be paid to the winners of the Games by the International Federation of Athletics.