The Cabinet of Ministers has received a draft order from the Ministry of Education and Science “On the Liquidation of the Institute of the State Protection Department of Ukraine of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv”. This was was reported byyulia Hryshyna, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Subcommittee on Higher Education, reports Komersant ukrainskyi.
She noted that this issue was considered at a meeting of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence. After hearing all those involved, they unanimously decided to appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers and stop the liquidation process. This Institute needs changes, transformation, but not liquidation.
“Together with my colleague Solomiya Bobrovska, we have just discussed this issue with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal – we have his support,” Hryshyna wrote.
Solomiya Bobrovska herself also also spoke out in support of the institute.
“I was and still am very much in favour of continuing the education of students at the Institute of State Protection. A month ago, this issue was raised at the National Security Committee, where I separately defended that the Institute should continue to train specialists,” she wrote.
What is known about the Institute of State Protection of Ukraine of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The Institute of State Protection of Ukraine of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv was created to train specialists in security and safety. The Institute of the State Protection Department of Ukraine of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv was established on 14 July 2010 by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by the Decree No. 1401-r on the basis of the Training Centre of the Department of Personnel of the State Protection Department of Ukraine. Colonel L.M. Kucheryavyi was appointed Director of the Institute.
Today, the Institute consists of three special departments, a centre for the organisation of the educational process and scientific work, a centre for primary and vocational training, a financial and economic support group, a group for record keeping, a library and a training ground.
The academic staff of the special departments teach disciplines on the organisation of security activities and security, legal, psychological, firearms, physical and tactical special training.
Why they want to liquidate the Institute of Parole
How told valentyna Savitska, acting head of the Department of International Cooperation and Communication of the Penitentiary Service, told UP journalists that this decision was made by the Penitentiary Service board. It is planned to create a centre for professional training of security specialists on the basis of the educational institution.
According to Savitska, the UDO Institute needs to be modernised and changed to meet the requirements of wartime. That is why it needs to be transformed into a training centre. The task of modernisation was set before the head of the UDO , Oleksii Morozov, by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi himself.
“This is primarily due to the martial law, as well as changes related to the Euro-Atlantic direction of our country’s development. In addition, we are part of Ukraine’s security and defence forces, which are currently undergoing reforms to meet NATO and EU standards,” Savitska explained.
The students who were enrolled before the decision to liquidate the Institute of Parole was made were informed about the changes in the university. Meetings were held with them to discuss opportunities to continue their studies at other universities.
However, the cadets want to continue their studies at the UDO Institute and claim that there is no alternative to it in Ukraine.
The teachers who are currently working at the UDO are promised to be given the opportunity to teach at the newly created Centre.