Kyiv Aviation Institute will become a territory of innovation and startups

29 January 11:28

This year, a science park will start operating at the Kyiv Aviation Institute, which will become a center for developing solutions in the areas of deep tech, civilian UAVs, cybersecurity, defense tech, artificial intelligence, machine learning, materials science, robotic systems, and engineering. This is reported on the institute’s website, according to Komersant ukrainskyi.

Along with the university, it is planned that Ukrainian businesses interested in stimulating scientific development in their field will co-found the Kyiv Aviation Institute Science Park.

Companies and organizations that join the institute’s science park will have exclusive access to the institute’s services and scientific developments, as well as the opportunity to be the first to implement them in production.

The Science Park will operate in three areas:

– development of its own knowledge-intensive innovations with subsequent technology transfer,

– incubation and acceleration programs for startups,

– implementation of projects and provision of services at the request of business.

“This initiative is an important catalyst for the reform of science parks in Ukraine – Science City. It demonstrates that supporting public-private partnerships and creating conditions for technology transfer are key factors for the development of a competitive knowledge-intensive market,” said Denys Kurbatov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that Science.City, i.e. the reform of the science parks institute, is one of the initiatives of the WINWIN 2030 Strategy for Digital Development of Innovations in Ukraine.

What is known about Science.City

At the end of December last year, the Ministry of Education and Science proposed for public discussion a project to improve the system of activating the innovative activities of science parks, universities and research institutions called Science City. All this should be defined in the relevant draft law, which, in fact, should be the subject of discussion. [Kommersant]talked about it.

The project envisages creating conditions for the development of research infrastructure, simplifying project administration, and stimulating investment activity, in particular through the possibility of obtaining Diya.City residency, and introducing tax and customs benefits to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian science parks, universities, and research institutions.

According to Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development, most of the 36 science parks currently exist only formally, and only five actually have innovation activities.

What does the Digital Innovation Development Strategy envisage?

The Digital Innovation Development Strategy of Ukraine, approved by the government, is a clear plan for building a digital economy and an innovative state by 2030.

The focus will be on the following areas:

– AUVs – unmanned aerial vehicles,

– Semiconductors – used in cars, phones, and computers,

– GreenTech – green environmental technologies,

– AI – artificial intelligence,

– MedTech – technologies in medicine,

– BioTech – biotechnology technologies,

– DefenseTech – defense technologies,

– Secure Cyber Space – cybersecurity,

– XR – technologies that extend reality (VR, AR and MR),

– AgriTech – agricultural technologies,

– Fluid Economy – economy without borders,

– Edtech – development of the education system.

Василевич Сергій