Every fifth Ukrainian is ready to leave if the borders are opened: reasons and trends

22 January 12:27

More than two-thirds of Ukrainians say they do not plan to leave the country even if the borders are fully opened to all categories of the population. However, one in five is ready to leave forever. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation in cooperation with the Razumkov Center at the end of 2024, Komersant ukrainskyi reports.

Migration sentiment: who wants to leave and why

According to the survey, 70% of respondents categorically do not want to move abroad for permanent residence, even if there are no obstacles to this. However, 21% of respondents expressed a desire to emigrate.

Interestingly, the willingness to leave Ukraine significantly depends on age. Among young people aged 18 to 29, migration sentiments are the highest: one in three (33%) wants to leave. In older age groups, this figure gradually decreases: among people aged 30 to 39, 27%, among people aged 40 to 49, 23%, and among people over 60, only 9% express a desire to emigrate.

Regional differences are also significant. The highest percentage of potential emigrants was recorded among residents of the eastern regions – 26.5%, while in the west this figure is 23%, in the center – 19%, and in the south – only 12%.

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Main reasons for migration sentiments

The main motivations for emigration among Ukrainians are:

  • lack of development opportunities (30.5%);
  • threat to life due to the war (29%);
  • insufficient social support from the state (also 29%).

In addition, 26% of respondents want to reunite with their relatives who are already abroad, and 23% want to take their dependent family members abroad. Difficulties in finding a job that meets their requirements were mentioned by 21% of those who wish to emigrate.

Attitudes toward citizenship and language

Patriotic sentiment among Ukrainians remains high. 91% of respondents are proud of their Ukrainian citizenship. This means that even half of those who are ready to emigrate are proud of it.

Residents of the western region demonstrate the highest level of pride (95%), although even in the southern and eastern regions this figure exceeds 80%. This is a significant progress compared to 2000, when only 62% of respondents felt proud of their citizenship.

The survey also revealed important trends in the language issue. The number of people who call Ukrainian their mother tongue has increased to 78%, and more than 70% speak it only or mostly at home. In communication outside the home, Ukrainian is also becoming the dominant language: it is used by 63% of respondents.

Overall, the survey showed that despite the difficult situation in the country, most Ukrainians do not plan to emigrate. The high level of pride in their citizenship, the growing use of the Ukrainian language, and the desire to stay in Ukraine demonstrate the resilience of national identity. At the same time, it is noticeable that young people are more often thinking about moving abroad.

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