When is Shrovetide in 2024: date of celebration according to the new Gregorian calendar and traditions

6 March 17:19

Maslenitsa is an ancient Ukrainian folk festival celebrated before Lent. It symbolises the end of winter and the arrival of spring. In addition, Maslenitsa is part of the national tradition and culture and is a great occasion to meet with family and friends to enjoy high-calorie food and have fun before the Lenten season.

When is Shrovetide this year?

Shrovetide does not have a specific date. It is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter. The celebrations last for a whole week preceding the beginning of Lent. Thus, Maslenitsa in 2024 begins on 11 March and ends on 17 March.

What is the correct name for this holiday in Ukraine? Maslenitsa or Maslenitsa?

This holiday has many names. All of them are correct: Maslenitsa, Masnytsia, Kolodiy, Syropust, Zapusty, and Cheese Week.

However, it is believed that the most correct option is the term Maslenitsa, as a lot of fatty foods are traditionally eaten on this day – butter, cheese, dumplings and pancakes with various fillings, etc.

What are the traditions associated with Maslenitsa?

It is believed that this week before Lent is divided into two parts:

Narrow Maslenitsa – the first three days of the celebration, from Monday to Wednesday. During this time, you can clean and do other household chores.

Wide Shrovetide starts on Thursday and lasts until the end of the week. So, all household chores were postponed from Thursday.

Traditionally, each day of Shrovetide had its own peculiarities of celebration and its own name.

Monday – Meeting

On this day, it is customary to invite guests to your home and treat them to delicacies, including pancakes and dumplings with cottage cheese. The recipe for miniature pancakes, which are especially popular in Odesa region, can be found on the website Another feature of this day was the tradition of making a straw scarecrow, which was later placed in the central square of the town or village.

Tuesday – Flirting

The second day of Maslenitsa was especially interesting for young girls and boys who did not yet have a date. On this day, it was customary to hold so-called “lookouts” and in the morning, young people would gather to go sledding and eat pancakes.

Wednesday – Sweet Tooth

This day is called “Lasunka” because on Wednesday it is customary to go to visit and bring various delicacies with you. An interesting tradition of the third day of Shrovetide was that on this day, the son-in-law would visit his mother-in-law and taste the pancakes she had prepared. It was believed that the son-in-law had to compliment his mother-in-law so that the family could live in peace and harmony.

Thursday – Go wild

Thursday is the first day of Shrovetide. On this day, it was forbidden to work, clean, or do household chores. From a family format, Shrovetide celebrations turned into street festivities where everyone danced, sang, and had fun.

Friday – Mother-in-law parties

On Fridays, the mother-in-law would visit her son-in-law, who would treat her to all sorts of delicacies and pancakes prepared by his wife. Such gatherings helped to ensure that the family had friendly and warm relations.

Saturday – The mother-in-law’s gathering

Young wives would invite their husbands’ sisters and treat them to pancakes, dumplings, pies and other delicious dishes.

Sunday – Forgiveness Sunday

On Sunday, the preparations for the beginning of Lent were made. On this day, it is also customary to ask for forgiveness from your relatives, friends and acquaintances for all the quarrels and insults that have arisen between them throughout the year. On the main square of the town or village, a straw effigy was burned, which was made and placed there on the first day of Shrovetide.

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