China is preparing for war: construction of a giant command center has begun in China

31 January 20:08

Construction has begun on a top-secret military facility in the suburbs of Beijing that is to become the command center of the Chinese army. U.S. satellite reconnaissance has recorded a large-scale construction site with an area of more than 4 kilometers in diameter. This was reported by the Financial Times, according to Komersant ukrainskyi.

The new command center of the People’s Liberation Army of China will actually become an underground city capable of withstanding the most powerful military strikes, including nuclear ones. Experts have already dubbed this facility the “Beijing Military City” – it is so impressive.

For comparison, the center will be almost ten times larger than the famous Pentagon. Its main goal is to create an absolutely secure infrastructure for the leadership of the armed forces in extreme conditions. Specially designed concrete structures, deep underground tunnels, and state-of-the-art communication systems turn the facility into a real fortress.

Construction began in mid-2024 and, according to US analysts, is part of Chinese President Xi Jinping ‘s large-scale strategy to transform the Chinese army into a “global-level armed force.”

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Chinese militarism

By 2027, the Chinese army wants to be ready not only for strong defense, but also for active offensive actions, in particular, for a potential invasion of Taiwan.

China is rapidly building up its military capabilities. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the number of nuclear warheads in China increased by an impressive 90 over the past year. Currently, the country has 500 warheads in its arsenal.

The Chinese army is particularly proud of hypersonic missiles, which the United States still does not have. For example, the Dongfeng 17 missile is believed to be capable of reaching speeds of up to 11,200 kilometers per hour, making it virtually invulnerable to modern missile defense systems.

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