Cold but no precipitation: weather forecast for November 12

12 November 01:16

For November 12, forecasters predict mostly cloudy weather with periodic clearing. This was reported by Komersant ukrainskyi with reference to the Ukrainian Weather Center.

Dry weather is expected in Ukraine, with the exception of the Carpathians, where light sleet and rain is possible during the day.

In most western regions, there will be fog at night and in the morning, which may affect visibility on the roads.

Wind of variable directions is expected, with a speed of 3-8 m/s.

The temperature regime will be moderate: at night it will range from 3° Celsius to 2° Celsius, and during the day the thermometer will rise to 2-7° Celsius. In the south of the country, it will be slightly warmer: 0-5° Celsius at night and 6-11° Celsius during the day.

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