On Wednesday, 28 August, Ukrainians will have their electricity cut off using stabilisation schedules. This is reported by Komersant ukrainskyi with reference to information from “Ukrenergo.
There will be two rounds of blackouts in all regions throughout the day.
Ukrainians were also urged to consume electricity sparingly during periods when it is available on schedule. In particular, not to switch on several powerful appliances at the same time.
Current situation in the power system
Yesterday, the enemy carried out one of the largest-scale attacks on energy facilities. As a result, the transmission system operator was forced to resort to emergency power outages electricity to consumers to maintain and stabilise the situation in the system.
The facilities are currently undergoing damage control, demining and repair works. Restoration work will continue around the clock. A large-scale repair campaign is also underway, and power engineers are working to ensure the stability and integrity of the power system and prepare it for the autumn and winter period.
Our country received emergency assistance from Slovakia and Poland.