In July, three cases of a new strain of coronavirus were reported in Ukraine. According to Chief State Sanitary Doctor Ihor Kuzin, two people fell ill in Kyiv and one in Ivano-Frankivsk region. The Ministry of Health clarified that the FLiRT strain is derived from the Omicron variant, and due to specific mutations in the spike protein, the virus binds better to cells and avoids the immune response.
FLiRT is more likely to affect weakened immune systems, and even previously vaccinated people can get sick. However, the acquired immunity after vaccination reduces the risk of complications during the disease,” the Ministry of Health says.
Taras Zhyravetskyi, a doctor, notes in a special report for Kommersant Ukrainian that the number of coronavirus cases has increased significantly. This is reported by health centres in Ukraine. There are a lot of cases in the Lviv region, where 20 people a week are hospitalised with severe covid, the expert adds. Most likely, these are people who have not had severe Covid-19.
Who is at risk of contracting the new FLiRT strain?
Patients who have not yet had Covid-19 are the most vulnerable to the new strain of coronavirus, says Dr Zhyravetskyi.
“Those patients who have not yet had Covid-19, even if you have been vaccinated several times, are at risk of being admitted to hospital. Patients who have been sick 1-3 times may also be admitted to the hospital if the covid is severe and not controlled,” Taras Zhyravetskyi
It is important to reduce the temperature correctly
The doctor reminds that patients often understand the term “severe Covid-19” in their own way. If you feel body aches, high fever, cough, sometimes diarrhoea, headache, i.e. the classic symptoms of SARS, while the saturation does not drop, you should take it calmly.
“My recommendation from the first days of covid is to bring down the temperature immediately. The thesis that the body fights on its own when it has a fever does not work with Covid-19,” Taras Zhyravetskyi
Aslightly debilitating fever is also characteristic of the new FLiRT coronavirus strain, adds Dr Zhyravetskyi. And it is important to reduce the temperature properly.
“It is worth remembering that it is not enough to take 1-2 tablets of ibuprofen or paracetamol. This usually needs to be done more often, or a larger dose of ibuprofen. The temperature can also be brought down with Nimesil (nimesulide). This drug is recommended for high fevers by foreign guidelines,” Taras Zhyravetskyi
There are also drugs that are registered specifically for Covid-19. However, Dr Zhyravetskyi does not recommend taking them for those who have previously had coronavirus. He says that our body overcomes the virus in 3-5 days. Moreover, these drugs can have side effects because they are new and not easy for our body.
Symptoms of the FLiRT strain
Symptoms of the new FLiRT strain are similar to other Omicron sub-variants. These include sore throat, cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, muscle aches, fever, and possible loss of taste and smell.
The World Health Organisation has not yet provided a specific assessment of the risks of FLiRT, but notes that it needs to be monitored on a country-by-country basis. Studies show that registered vaccines remain effective in protecting against severe forms of Covid-19, although they cannot completely prevent infection with the new strain.
Author – Anastasia Fedor