Psychics and “healers” on the air of a telethon: The Ministry of Culture admitted its helplessness

16 January 01:24

The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has stated that it cannot influence the broadcasting of stories featuring psychics and other supporters of alternative medicine in an all-Ukrainian telethon. This is stated in the ministry’s response to an information request from Interfax-Ukraine, Komersant ukrainskyi reports

The request clarified whether broadcasting of stories promoting unproven medicine, esotericism, fortune-tellers, tarot cards, and feng shui was allowed.

“We would like to inform you that the Ministry cannot influence the professional activities of journalists and the editorial policy of the media, in particular, regarding stories about alternative medicine, esoteric practices, numerology, psychics, etc. created by TV channels whose programs are broadcast during the information marathon.” The only news,” the statement reads.

According to the Ministry of Culture, the law prohibits censorship and government interference in the activities of the media and journalists. The ministry did not provide any other details.

It should be noted that a petition demanding to ban the broadcast of psychics in the telethon appeared on the government’s website in October 2024. The signatories of the petition noted that psychics with a “Russian past” are particularly dangerous, as they “impose dangerous pro-Russian narratives between the lines that have a destructive effect on the minds of Ukrainians.”

As a reminder, in April 2024, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) published the results of a poll that showed that 35% of Ukrainians believe in astrology, 25% in psychic abilities, and 15% in tarot.

Both men and women believe in astrology, psychic abilities, and tarot. At the same time, the rate is higher among women (49% vs. 36% among men).

And while 34% of respondents with high incomes believe in at least one of the above, 65% of those with very low incomes do.

It should be noted that according to the Institute of Mass Information, between February 24, 2022 and January 16, 2023, Ukrainian media published more than 21,800 stories with predictions by psychics, astrologers, tarotists, molfars, numerologists, and mediums. In total, they received over 150 million views.

The largest number of such stories was published in April 2022 – more than 5,800. For comparison, in November, the number was almost 1200.

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