SBU and St. Stephen’s Day of Counterintelligence: what is known about the holidays on December 27

27 December 00:20

Today, December 27, is the SBU Counterintelligence Day. Believers honor the memory of the holy apostle and first martyr Stephen. Read about the holidays and signs of this day in the article Komersant ukrainskyi

Day of Counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine

The SBU Counterintelligence Day is celebrated on December 27. This day is dedicated to the creation of the SBU Counterintelligence Department, the main institution in ensuring the security of the state from external and internal threats.

The SBU CI Department was officially established on December 27, 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Department is responsible for countering espionage, terrorist activities and other threats to Ukraine’s state security from foreign intelligence services, organizations and individuals.

Since its creation, the SBU CI Department has faced numerous challenges, including adapting to the changing geopolitical landscape and new security threats, and the war with Russia.

The celebration is held without publicity, given the specifics of the profession. However, official meetings, awards for professional achievements, and commemorations of those who gave their lives for the sake of Ukraine’s security are held within the internal environment of the employees.

What is the church holiday today?

december 27 is the day of remembrance of the holy apostle and first martyr Stephen in the church calendar.

He was known for his faith, wisdom, and ability to preach. As an archdeacon, he helped the poor and served in the community, giving himself to the service of God and people.

Stephen also had the gift of miracles, which attracted many to faith in Christ. Because of his preaching and open criticism of Jewish religious leaders, Stephen was accused of blasphemy.

He was brought before the Sanhedrin, where he gave a speech defending his faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. His words aroused anger among the listeners, and they decided to stone him.

Stephen was the first person to be martyred for his faith in Christ, and so he is called the first martyr. While being stoned, he prayed for his persecutors.

His death had a great impact on the community of believers. The Apostle Paul, who was known as Saul at the time and was persecuting Christians, witnessed Stephen’s death, which later influenced his conversion to faith.

What not to do on December 27

  • It is forbidden to physically work, quarrel, or insult anyone.
  • Do not refuse help if it is asked for.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • You should not let cattle out of the barn without supervision;

Folk signs on December 27

Our ancestors had many interesting signs for this day:

  • they looked at what day it was: crows nesting in the snow meant a thaw would come;
  • frost and sun – to a good year;
  • a hare ran to the house – expect severe frosts;
  • birds flying in the sky – to prolonged snowfalls.

Traditions on December 27

On St. Stephen’s Day, our ancestors took special care of cattle. They fed the animals treats and gave them water from silverware to protect them from disease and evil spirits. It was believed that taking care of the cattle on this day would bring a good harvest and protect them from adversity.

Girls traditionally organized New Year’s Eve fortune-telling for their upcoming wedding.

Angel’s Day on December 27

Stepan, Theodore, Feodor, and Fedor celebrate their name days on this day.

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