Do we have a chance to improve the situation with inequality and poverty

8 February 13:34

Maksym Zalevskyi, curator of the Green School for the eco-conscious

Oxfam has released a new report on inequality.

.”…Since 2020, $42 trillion of new wealth has been created, of which $26 trillion, or 63%, has gone to the top 1% of the ultra-rich. The remaining 99% of the world’s population accounted for only $16 trillion of new wealth.

Just imagine:

For every $1 of new global wealth earned by a person in the bottom 90% of the population, there are approximately $1.7 million earned by a billionaire.

Since 2020, the five richest people in the world have doubled their wealth, from $405 billion in 2020 to $869 billion last year. Over the same period, nearly five billion people worldwide became poorer.

At the current pace of development, it will take 230 years to end poverty, but the first trillionaire may appear in ten years…”

Somewhere in the real world this is the picture..

Of course, rich people do a lot of good things and drive civilisation with the progress of technology, but this glass wall still exists and perhaps wider access and implementation of knowledge and technology could change this world for the better.

Do you think we have a chance to improve the situation with inequality and poverty in the near future?

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