Bitcoin crossed the $60,000 mark.

28 February 17:48

Cryptocurrency Bitcoin has crossed the $60,000 mark on financial exchanges today, Kommersant Ukrainian reports

As of 17:19 (Kyiv time) on 28 February, Bitcoin was trading at $61,111.29 on the CoinDesk platform.

The last time Bitcoin reached this price was in November 2021.

The record for Bitcoin’s value was set on 10 November 2021, when it rose above $69,000.

Apart from November 2021, Bitcoin has only been worth more than this during one other period. It was in April 2021, when its price reached $63.5 thousand.


Bitcoin is the world’s first and most popular cryptocurrency, which appeared in 2009. It was created by a person or a group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, who remains anonymous. Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology and has no centralised governing body.

Bitcoin is “mined” using a special mining technology, which is a digital analogue of mining physical minerals. Similarly to physical minerals, the number of Bitcoins is limited – there are only 21 million tokens in existence. So far, 19 million tokens have been mined, which is more than 90% of all “deposits”. Therefore, mining is becoming more and more difficult and expensive.

Bitcoin, like anything else in the world, can be exchanged for anything else, including traditional currencies. The value of Bitcoin shows the level of trust in it.

Bitcoin is considered to be a secure and well-protected currency with a very high level of confidentiality for its owners. In the Bitcoin system, all information about transactions is open, but information about owners is completely anonymous. Therefore, Bitcoin, like some other cryptocurrencies, is popular among Ukrainian corrupt officials.

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