Bilyk reacts to Kirkorov’s cynical act

16 February 03:02

Famous Ukrainian singer Iryna Bilyk expressed her indignation after Putinist Philipp Kirkorov’s performance in occupied Horlivka, where he performed her song “Snow” in front of the Russian military, according to

On her YouTube channel, the artist posted a video with footage of the war in Ukraine and reminded the singer of the crimes of his homeland through poetry. In the poem that sounds in the background of the video, Bilyk called Kirkorov “The Genius of Shame and Nudity” and said that the singer did not understand the essence of her song. She urges Kirkorov to reflect on his actions and understand that by supporting the Kremlin regime, he is selling his soul to the devil.

The singer also stressed that Kirkorov is speaking to the occupiers who destroyed her home and mocks Ukraine. According to her, God will punish Kirkorov.

It should be noted that Irina Bilyk had previously granted Kirkorov permission to perform her song “Snow”, but with the start of the full-scale invasion, she deprived the Putinist of this right. However, this did not stop Kirkorov. He recently performed this track without any permission for the Russian military in Donbas.

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