#ARMWOMENNOW: sewing women’s military uniforms

22 January 07:51

More than 70,000 women serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Whether on the front line or in the rear, with or without weapons, as a paramedic or tanker, aerial reconnaissance or artillery officer, company or platoon commander – every woman performs her military duty on an equal footing with men. But!

Women in the Ukrainian army still do not have their own uniforms!

#ARMWOMENNOW is a social initiative designed to change this.

Your help will be greatly appreciated!

How can you help?

  1. Make a charitable donation that will be used to produce women’s military uniforms.
  2. Tell others about the initiative, add a link to the website https://armwomennow.com/ and the hashtag #ARMWOMENNOW.
  3. Help with advertising, logistics and production.

Go to the #ARMWOMENNOW website right now and choose your option of assistance. Because uniforms matter.

Dress a woman warrior and she will save the world!

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