280 projects apply for state funds to build shelters in schools and vocational schools

29 January 12:49

From January 20 to 26, applications for the construction and repair of shelters in secondary education institutions at the expense of the state subvention continued, and this week communities submitted 280 projects through the DREAM platform. This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science, according to Komersant ukrainskyi.

The amount of this year’s subvention is UAH 6.2 billion, UAH 460.5 million of which will be used to complete projects launched in 2024. Other communities will be able to apply for the rest of the funds.

The following communities can receive funds:

– naval and military sports lyceums, lyceums with enhanced military and physical training

– institutions with 200 plus students;

– institutions with up to 200 students, if they are the only ones in the community that work full-time/mixed and to which students from at least two other schools are transported.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the MES commission will soon begin analyzing applications. It will take into account whether the community that submitted the application belongs to the risk zone, in accordance with the Methodology for Risk Assessment in the Education System.

It is noted that the highest-priority projects will be considered first, depending on the level of risk.

Each regional military administration also has the opportunity to influence the choice of the commission with the 50 points it has. And within 5 working days of the application deadline, that is, from January 26, the administration can distribute these 50 points among the communities in each risk level. That is, there is still time to make a decision.

What is known about the project to strengthen security in schools and vocational schools

A pilot project to strengthen the security of the educational environment in general secondary education institutions under martial law was proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Cabinet of Ministers approved this proposal by its resolution of November 1, 2024. Komersant ukrainskyidescribed the conditions and possibilities of this project in detail.

As of the beginning of this school year, approximately 1800 Ukrainian schools did not have shelters.

Василевич Сергій